Monday, May 30, 2011

On the road

Use George Washington bridge (GWB) to cross from Manhattan to New Jersey.
Drive on Palisades Parkway north and take the first scenic stop.

A breathtaking view.


Hudson River and GWB
When arriving at final destination, enjoy the memories.

Brighton Beach

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Last Day of Pompeii

"Pompeii was an ancient Roman city (near modern day Naples) that was buried in AD 79 by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The people of Pompeii had plenty of warning that something was going to happen. For at least six weeks before the major eruption there were earth tremors and the water level sank extremely low. The intelligent ones left. The skeptical ones stayed."

After weeks of pouring rain, the weather has finally recovered. It was a warm, sunny day.
Since today was suppose to be yet another Judgement Day/End of the World, we sought on taking a walk and enjoy the "last" day.

We went to Manhattan Beach, a residential neighborhood in Brooklyn.

Each house is unique in its design and starting price is million dollars and more.

Fancy gate