Monday, January 17, 2011

I Don’t Know How She Does It

Sarah Jessica Parker and Olivia Munn on the set of "I Don't Know How She Does It", screen adaptation of the Allison Pearson's bestseller on how hard to be both business-woman, a housewife, mother and lover.

First glimpse today (Jan 17, 2011) from the lower Manhattan.

Sarah Jessica Parker and Olivia Munn

Monday, January 3, 2011

Visitor 2

When I came to pickup my son from my mother-in-law, she told me that there is a big bird sitting on here fire-escape. I was wondering what could it be. As she described it (big, hooked nose) I sought that it might be and American Kestrel that I saw once last September. But when I opened the blinds on the window - what a surprise. I saw a beautiful bird, that looks like Red-tailed Hawk (aka chickenhawk).

It was very dark outside. Flash had bad effect reflecting from the window and it would also discomfort the bird, as it started to move away from the window.
I had to crank-up the ISO to 6400 and exposure to around 0.6sec to get a proper shot.
I wish I had a tripod to get some sharper images.

Enjoy the rest of photos.